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Couper is walking now! he loves it now he can actually keep up the all the kids!!! We had a Great Easter we went to auntie Kelly and Uncle Chads had a huge Easter egg hunt and the came home and opened Easter baskets, Coup has discovered candy!!! AAAOOOO LOL

Monday, March 30, 2009


Coup and Mama at Kangaroo Zoo


WEEEEE! Mama going down the slide

Boy cousins playtime!!! from left Rory, Coup, Bryce, and Kyle.

Dada and Couper at Kangaroo Zoo

WEEEEE Couper sliding down the slide

Bounce a bounce


Coup crawling in the tube!!

Treyce, Couper and dada. Dada let Coup open up a present early, its a new CAR!!!

Coupers Birthday cake a saphari cake with Coup on it.

Couper and mommy before the party!

Handsome lil guy!!!

1 comment:

Seiser's said...

It looks like Coup had a good birthday. By the way you look hot in all of these pics.
